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The Ireland Lions Club

" Recycling of the Bricks."

Here's an enthusiastic group of Lions cleaning up bricks from the old Ireland High School. The high school was built in 1915 so you can imagine this job took a little time and patience. Once cleaned, these bricks were used as part of the New Ireland elementary school bell tower construction. The school is built on the former site of the old high school, and now carries a part of Irelands past onward. These bricks were also utilized in the Lions Club food stand location on the Dubois Co. 4-H fairgrounds.

From left: Dave Rudolph, Mark Brescher, Dan Leinenbach, Kurt Brescher, Charley Beier,
Randy Schmitt, Gene Hopf and Junie Himsel. (11-18-89)



Schnellville Centennial Parade participants for the Ireland Lions Club

From left: Junie Himsel, Pete Wehr, Bill Hopf, Kelly Gress and Terry Gress. (08-12-90)

    Ireland Lions Club Banner in rural Ireland Indiana ready for its trip to the Republic of Ireland. The banner was made by Dorothy (Wigand)Linette.  9-9-1996

Lions Club Banner




   Ireland Lions Club Banner given to Desmond Kenny, President of the Galway Lions Club by Lion Junie Himsel in the town of Barna on Galway Bay as Kevin Waters looks on.  9-12-1996

Galway, Ireland presentation of Banner




   Desmond Kenny gives the Galway, Ireland Banner to Himsel--being a little embarrassed by the difference of the size of the banners.  9-12-1996

Galway Lions Club Banner presented to Ireland, IN




       Junie Himsel explains and shows the Ireland Elementary Annual to the children of  St. James School as Headmaste James Joyce and the 5th grade teacher looks on.

Delbert Himsel showing documentation




    The "official handshake" Twinning the 5th grade of St. James in Barna to the 5th grade class of Ireland Elementary School.  9-12-1996



     The 5th grade students of Barna explain the history of Barna to the visiters from Ireland, Indiana.  They also wished their visitors a safe journey home. 9-12-1996

Galway childrens presentation on Historical background


     The official Ireland Lions Coub Ladies Night Tailtwisters horn for announcing fines to Ireland Lions Club members.  Starting date of 8-12-2003.




       The Ireland Lions Club began on March 17, !959 and on March 17th in 2009 the club is 50yrs young.  The cap below was given to Ireland Lions Club members marking the 50 year event.  The 50 year celebration date at the Shamrock Cafe in Ireland was on March 18th of 2009.  The club now has 56 members.

Special Edition 50th Anniversary Cap now available!


"Yellow Ribbons Welcome our Troops Home."

President and Mrs. Randy Schmitt placed Yellow ribbons on the
"Welcome to Ireland" sign upon the return of the Local 150th Infantry National Guard Troops from Iraq.

President and Mrs. Randy Schmitt, March 2003.

Ireland Lions at their Dubois County 4-H Fair Stand.

Left to Right, Jerry Himsel, Pres. Terry Fuhs, and Tom Bryan.


     Rich and Jan Rudolph are pictured here in the Phillipines at what is believed the largest lion statue in the world.  The emblem on the  side exemplifies the Lions Club statue.

    (Click on the photo for a larger view)

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